Light (?) (.lgt) Files
- Size:4+(20*number of entries)
- Required?: Yes.
- Compressed?: Not usually (2/58).
- Description: Unknown. I suspect it may provide extra
lighting, but I have no evidence yet.
- Format: 20 byte entries. Common values:
- Byte 0: 0
- Byte 1: 0x10 usually
- Bytes 3-9: 0
- Bytes 10-13: location
- Bytes 16-17: 0
- Bytes 18-19: 0xff usually
- Notes: Maps 57 and 67 (the compressed ones) seem to break
this format - the location bytes don't match the standard format.
- Adikted support: Not yet. Possibly later, although it
depends how important it turns out to be.
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