This was written for the 10.30 service at Tilehurst Methodist Church on February 24th 2008. I wanted to link the two lectionary readings: Exodus 17:1-7 and John 4:5-42. The theme of the sermon was looking at the pioneering and revolutionary mission of the church when it first started, taking a look at how the church had behaved historically, and trying to seek a true mission for the 21st century: where is the church absent, and what should it be doing? The song fit in very well (in my opinion!) for that particular service. It may be harder to include elsewhere than some of my other pieces.
1. The Israelites, from Egypt saved,
Became a restless lot.
When times were hard, they asked themselves:
"Is the Lord among us or not?"
With shallow faith and thirsty throats,
Poor Moses they decried;
He alone stayed sure, his faith was firm:
The Lord was at his side.
2. "Walk on," said God, "your people lead,
With staff and elders go.
Find me at Herob; strike the rock;
I will make the water flow.
Are we like Moses, striding out,
To seek a Godly way?
Or do we have more earthly fears,
Too weary to obey?
3. The water which God's well supplies
Does more than quench our thirst;
It gives us life, it changes lives:
It puts the Lord's will first.
Drink deep, and see the world afresh;
And by the Spirit led,
We'll dare to dream of heaven on earth,
With Christ our church's head.
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