There is a reason for this: on attempts worth gold medals, you'll get hardly any help in terms of crates. Silver will give you a bit more help, and bronze a bit more still. Thus getting a gold medal really is harder than getting a silver or bronze, in many cases. When I say below that you "get" something on a silver/bronze attempt, it means that there'll be a crate containing it.
Go 1: Use the ninja rope to get to the right of the first barrel, then shoot the barrel with the shotgun, standing well clear. Shoot the worm to your right onto the mines.
Go 2: If you're lucky and the mines got rid of the pumpkin stalk, you can just go and grab the crate using the ninja rope. Otherwise, use the shotgun to make a hole in the stalk, then go and get the crate next go.
Use girders to get your worms into positions where they can shoot straight at the enemy, then just go for it.
Chances are you're going to be nuked in this level - you're unlikely to finish it before then. However, that in itself shouldn't be a problem. As suggested, try to get your worms away from the edge before the earthquake (which comes one go after the nuke). If you can (and you don't think the enemy will grab them), leave a health crate or two lying around so you can heal yourself after the nuke strikes.
So long as you're not stupid (ie don't leave worms right near the edge of the landscape, or clustered together), this level should be reasonably easy.
Go 1: Use the jetpack. Go over to the right hand side of the landscape without getting the crates that are on the "bridge" above the enemy worm. Get all the crates on the right hand side, and land just to the right of the tree. Now aim a homing missile at the middle of the bridge, and fire almost straight up with maximum power. (The power is important - too little and the missile will hit the sleight.) If you're lucky, the enemy will now slide into the water due to the flames from the exploding crates.
If he doesn't fall in the water, go over to the bridge on your second go and attack him with your other weapons... this is harder, but remember that a draw counts as a victory, so you can use the 25 points your worm can do by dying to your advantage.
Go 1: Walk and jump (using backflip) to the trunk of the tree, and blowtorch under it.
Go 2: Backflip onto the tree, collect the crate (which contains a girder), and use the girder diagonally to build a bridge between the tree and the train.
Go 3: Go across the girder, and blow the mine up by walking near it then jumping away. You should be able to do this without losing your go. Now continue to the right, dropping down onto the back of the train. Use the bungee when you need to, and you should be able to get the utility crate - you probably won't have enough time to use it though. Just get ready for the next go by climbing towards the health crate as far as possible. (It is possible to complete the mission on this go, if you're feeling dexterous.)
Go 4: (Assuming you haven't finished yet). Do or die time. Use the jetpack, and you should just have enough time to get the crate on the far right, which will complete the mission.
This one's pretty easy, really... just get to the top of the pyramid with one of your worms fairly early on, and keep plugging away... Don't forget that you have worm select on this round - it can make all the difference! (For instance, the first go is best taken with the worm on the right, on the tree.)
Go 1: Use the ninja rope to get on top of the first mushroom and collect the first girder kit. Use the kit to build a shell around the mines on the second mushroom, and a walkway down to the first worm. Don't worry if you don't have quite enough girders.
Go 2: Collect the second girder kit from the left of the first worm, and use it to finish off your shell, making sure you've got enough of a ramp to get onto it. (I use the girder just next to vertical as a good way of gaining height.) Also build a girder across from the middle mushroom to the last one, and then place a small vertical girder on the far right hand side, in a position such that you can drop onto it and then pick up the crate in the third go.
Go 3: Get the crate!
Alternative solution from Jose
On this mission when you are going for either the bronze or silver
you get a crate with girders right off the start. Using two of them
you can create a ramp to get on top of the first mushroom and use
the other ones to create a fake ceiling with which you can simply
swing across the map in your second attempt. The girders that form
the fake ceiling are best if placed horizontally right above each
mushroom. The key here is time on the second interval as well as
Firstly, ignore the briefing - you don't have an unlimited supply of shotgun ammo. In fact, you don't have a shotgun at all. You do have an infinite blowtorch, however.
There are no hard-and-fast rules for doing this one - you have to play it by ear. However, here are a few guidelines:
This is a really hard one, pretty early on. However, the following guide should be a pretty much foolproof way of doing it, so long as you can remember exact pixel locations and fly a sheep.
You may need to experiment to find the exact locations here, but once you do you should be able to do the mission every time. I have now taken a couple of screen shots, however, to help:
![]() |
Worm ready to fire second shot of go 1 | Go 1: Stand on top of your other worm's head and fire right, without changing your aim. Then move to the left, and come down very slightly from the top of the pyramid until the tip of your tail covers about half of the thick dark blue line which goes down the middle of the pyramid. Aim as high as you can to the right, and fire. The top mine should bounce safely out of harm's way. When it's gone past you move to the left a bit. | |
![]() |
Worm ready to fire second shot of go 2 | Go 2: Don't move, but aim as high as you can and fire. Now move down to the join between the pyramid and the tree. You want to be facing right and be at the first location where your tail is flat on the tree rather than sloping up the pyramid. Fire, and the second mine will land on you, killing you. Don't bother trying to move, you can't get away. It doesn't matter though. |
Go 3: Move your other worm to the location you just died in, and fire twice (with the same max. height aim as last go).
Go 4: Scale the tower using backflips until you're on your topmost arrow. Face left, and select girder. Rotate the girder until it's double length, and nearly vertical top-left to bottom-right. Place it so that the right hand tip touches your hard hat.
Go 5: Turn round and jump backwards. Go to the top of the girder, and fire twice horizontally at the topmost light grey small line inside the tower.
Go 6: Jump onto the arrows, turn round, backflip to get the crate, then let loose the sheep of war. Get the sheep flying as soon as possible and get it into the water quickly - I usually go to the left. Obviously, you then just need to fly it up to the general and kill him.
Go straight for the captain on this one. You should be able to launch a mole bomb (contained in the crate on the left hand dino's head) on the first go. Assuming this opens up the captain's den, you can go down there and drop a mine on the ground on your second go, which should drown him. Turn time is the only real problem here - you've got to act quickly, especially on the ninja rope.
This level is fairly straightforward when you get the hang of it. You should poison all the worms you can't reach (as the landscape's indestructible) as soon as you have the skunk. (Until then, use any infinite weapons you have such as the firepunch and uzi to do damage. The worm in the bottom right corner is ripe for a kicking as soon as possible.)
When the poisoned worms have lost all but one point of energy each, start using the shotgun on them carefully. Following these rules, you should have no problems, although it's worth getting under cover, as the enemy will be using plenty of airstrikes.
Another general hints level, this one:
The key to this level is getting the high ground - ie somewhere on the tree - and keeping it until everyone else has drowned. The actual top of the tree is rather dangerous as it's easily to get chucked off it. Having said that, it's good to use a girder so that you can get on top when (say) all the enemies are under the tree. I've found that in practice it's the worm that starts under the tree that is most likely to survive. The homing missile can be really handy in this mission in various places.
In this level, I always pretty much forget about the left hand worm: it's very hard to save both worms, and the one on the right has less competition. Both goes below refer to the right hand worm.
Go 1: Go onto the bit of land on your right, vaguely close to the pipe on the right. You can skip the rest of the go. With any luck, the worm on your right will now fire a bazooka which will nearly open up the way.
Go 2: Use the shotgun to get out, using the spare shot on the enemy.
Go 3: Get as high as you can, and place a girder to stop yourself from being knocked into the water.
Go 4: Ninja up to the far right hand corner.
From here, you should play it by ear to a certain extent. However, you can assure victory by building girders up to the right hand edge of the yellow thing in the middle at the top. You can make a nice little hidey-hole, and you'll be higher than anyone else on the level. Then you just need to wait for the water to rise.
If you're really good with the Super Sheep, you can fly it all round the level and get the crate. Alternatively, with the non-US version, you can win the level instantly by killing yourself with the sheep. You will blow up the enemy (if he isn't already dead), and draw the round - which completes the mission. Simple, eh? I'm afraid that if you've got the US version you'll have to do it properly... but it's not actually that hard.
Difficulty: 6
There are three enemies on this level. The top one can by blown into the water using dynamite. The remaining two are the problem... however, you should be able to get them together using the shotgun. If you possibly can, you should then collect the utility, and drop the Holy Hand Grenade on them in the same turn. Don't sorry about pinpoint accuracy or your own safety - you'd be hard pressed to get clear of an explosion that large.
If you can't do it quite right (due to the mine, or whatever), don't worry... the HHG makes a large hole in the landscape anyway, after which the sheep and/or firepunches can finish the job off.
Go 1: Change worm, and pick up the ninja ropes. Ninja over as far as you can, setting off any mines you can as you go. Uzi the enemy worm, which will hopefully set off at least one more mine.
Go 2: Finish off the nearest enemy worm, setting off as many mines with you as possible.
Go 3: Keep making your way over to the general. It's possible to jump over a mine if you're lucky, as the delay is quite long.
About now, depending on how many turns you've taken so far (due to bad luck or whatever), some dynamite should appear in a crate on the sign. Get it with the ninja rope, and stand back on the mountain, where you can fire into the posts of the sign. When you've made enough of a hole (with the uzi, if I remember correctly), go in and dynamite the general. There isn't much ground there, so he should drown easily. If not, use the mortar to finish him off. Don't forget, you don't need to survive.
Go 1: Using worm select a couple of times, stack your worms under the oil barrel, and backflip onto it with the last worm. Get the girders and place the first one nearly vertically, covering the mine with a bit of room to spare.
Go 2: Move the current worm away from the action, then select the worm that just built the girder. Scale that girder and build another one to cross the second mine.
Go 3: Select the girdering worm again, and use the final girder to cross the third and fourth mines. (You'll then be able to reach another girder crate.)
Go 4: Select the worm which is still under the oil barrel, move it to the left out of the way, then shoot the oil barrel. When the flames have died down, go to the right to save some time later.
Go 5: It should be the girdering worm's go again. Build a long horizontal girder which just touches the final tower near the top of the final tower, thus giving you protection against air strikes. Walk under the girder and jump across to the final tower - this is a good hiding place.
Go 6: Run! You should just about be able to make it under cover by the end of your go.
Go 7: Same again, leaving you with all three worms nicely under cover.
The enemy will now launch an airstrike. If you're extremely lucky, the mine to the right of the top of the tower will kill the general for you! If not, you should still have three healthy worms and the mine will at least be out of the way.
Go 8: Time to start sacrificing worms... Walk over your cover girder and down the tower, then jump off to set off both of the closest mines.
Go 9: Same again, except you can now get a bit further - to the mine next to the major. Triggering this will kill both you and him.
Go 10: You may need to you the fast-walk utility for this turn. Once more, go over the tower. Jump from the middle of the last tree to land on the mine next to the general. This will kill both of you, completing the mission.
Go 1: From the top of the A, and fire the shotgun horizontally left to blow up the barrel. If you're lucky, this will take out both of the worms up there. Next, jump left from just under Assassin's tail, to get into the small gap in the E. Go all the way along it, then fire horizontally at Assassin.
Go 2: Hopefully Assassin and General will be next to each other. Go out of the gap (you can jump from the very edge of the shadow), and practice getting back in so that you'll be able to do it at the end of the turn. Fire a bazooka at Assassin and General, and get back into cover.
From here onwards, you have to play it by ear. However, here are some tips:
If you've done the Crazy Crates training mission, this landscape should look familiar...
You need to get the nuke on this one, but you don't need to use it until right at the end. You may be able to get away without using it at all, but it's best not to risk it!
On the way over, make sure you get the crates under the blue tentacle on the right, as the rightmost one contains another two ninja ropes. Whilst not absolutely critical to the mission, they give you The crate above and to the left of the nuke crate (which is the red flashing one at the bottom left) contains a pneumatic drill which should get you the nuke on the second go. (Your first, if you can ninja over that quickly!)
Go back over to the far right of the screen, and knock Artillery off his perch with the uzi (don't worry, you have plenty of goes in which to do this), and kill the closer couple of worms while you wait for sudden death. Use the nuke a turn or so before the last enemy is going to drown - that way you don't need to worry about losing energy because of it. Don't forget that the nuke raises the water level a lot, so if you want to survive (not that you have to), you may want to ninja up to the highest perch on the right before going nuclear.
Another play-by-ear level, this one, but here are some tips:
This level can be easy or a pain, depending on a bit of luck near the start. The enemies on the left will blast through to one of your worms, and if you can drown them without too much of a problem, you should be able to do the rest of the level easily. If they're persistent, you may have more of a problem. Don't forget to fire mortars behind their heads for maximum effect, or at their heads from above. You may wish to use the ninja rope to knock them down the slope a little before firing at them from the top of the enclosure. Even if you don't kill them in the first shot, you should then be able to survive and kill them in the second. (Note: according to the patch notes, you can't knock worms around with the ninja rope when the patch has been installed. It may still be best to go up the slope and fire down at them, taking the consequences.)
Although you can take the level fairly slowly, the enemy gets airstrikes after a while, so be careful.
A crate containing two old women near the middle (just above the pumpkin) - this is really useful against the worms on the right.
The jetpacks are really handy, but don't be too ambitious - they don't have much fuel.
You must finish this level before the earthquake chucks the crate into the water. Here's how:
Go 1: Move your worm onto the top of the grape stalk, and fire a bazooka just under Sentry. This will hopefully kill him. As soon as you've fired, jump onto the apple. You'll take minor damage, but don't worry.
Go 2: Leave a grenade at the point where the stalk of the big apple meets the leaf (ie the really thin bit) - then get out of the way! This should provide you with a route to the bananas.
Go 3: Blowtorch into the banana.
The enemy will hopefully now fire a bazooka into the banana, from the other side.
Go 4: Retreat a bit, then fire a bazooka down your blowtorch tunnel to make a path through the banana.
Go 5: Parachutes should now be enabled. Walk up to the top of the second banana, activate parachutes, and jump to avoid the mine. When you're past the mine, hold down left to pick up the crate, and the mission is done.
I used to think this level was a complete pain - but that was before I learnt to use the parachute properly. As well as left and right, you can use up+left to really slow your descent. If you want a real challenge, try the level without using the up key during parachuting...
Okay, so you need to parachute down onto each worm in any order, and blow them up. Firepunching the rightmost worm left kills the one next to it - otherwise you wouldn't have enough suicide bombers (although the mine by the third one can kill it). If you fail a few times, you can use a shotgun for two turns, which makes it much easier, but you'll only get a bronze medal. Use girders to extend the cliff if the enemy blows up the end of it. Use the furthest worms for the rightmost enemies, as you won't have enough time to get them all the way over to the left... also, they're the most likely to die, so you should use them early.
Thanks to Koyser [dlb] for explaining the parachutes to me - shame I'd already got a gold on it after hours of trying!
Many thanks to Smoke for this suggestion - it works a treat!
First, ninja over to the mayor, and baseball bat him, having aimed as high as possible and to the left. This will take away most of his energy, but leave him in a nice deep hole.
In your next go, you should get over to the mayor on a ninja rope and girder both of you in.
After this, you have plenty of time. A couple of girder starter kits appear after a while. Pick them up with your last ninja rope and place girders all around the hole - especially over the top, obviously! You will almost certainly survive the attack, and hopefully the enemy will die at the same time. If not, just pick them off with whatever worms you've got left.
This one's dead easy. You may be used to the landscape from the Super Sheep Racing training, but the sheep you have in this mission doesn't fly. It does, however, jump - and it's got to jump lots.
Use your girder starter pack, laying two girders between your worm and the second block, one girder (slightly lower than the top of the landscape) in the next gap, then two girders for the last gap (just to be on the safe side). The first girder should be placed right next to the green spaceship, so that if the sheep falls back it will keep going.
Now launch your sheep. If you've placed the girders correctly (and you're lucky - I've had some really irritating goes when writing this guide), the sheep will run all the way to the right of the terrain. Detonate it at the bottom of the rightmost strut (when it lands after its last jump), and it will blow up the oil drum, which will in turn blow up the crate.
If you miss with the sheep, you can try using the grenades, but I've never managed to blow it up, even when the grenades come pretty close.
This one is very similar to a normal game, except the time limit is pretty strict (20 seconds per turn). You only have one ninja rope, so use it wisely - but you can select your worm at the start of every turn, which can be a real life saver.
If you're good at worms in the first place, this level shouldn't cause any real difficulties; if you're not, you don't really deserve to be this far through the missions, do you?
This one can be quite easy or utterly impossible, depending on your luck. It's crucial that you build a girder between the woolly mammoth you start on and the rock to the left fairly quickly, while you can still get over to the enemy - otherwise you'll be hard-pressed to kill the one at the bottom left at the end. However, you need to be very close to where you want to lay the girder before it'll let you do so. Apparently you need to have at least one tiny part of the girder directly over the worm's head. (Thanks to Spitfire for the clarification there.)
A direct hit on the Major go will usually kill him, as it knocks him onto a mine. Also, the oil barrel near the enemy's starting location can be blown up to good effect.
The worm at the bottom right is useless - kill him off quickly to get yourself more turns with the useful ones. You might as well fire a bazooka and let the wind take it, then jump though... you never know when something will come of it.
The homing missile (crate on the right, silver and bronze attempts only) can be useful for getting the last worm when all your worms are in useless places.
This level can be a real pain, or it can be pretty easy, depending on the enemy... if they use banana bombs, for instance, you're in big trouble. Note that there is a method which I consider to be cheating and which will probably be made obsolete by the patch - I've put it below here anyway. Thanks to ScoobyDoo for sending it to me.
Normal method
"Cheat" method
The tricky bit in this level is getting every go right. None of them is particularly hard, but all are require an element of precision and you don't have much time. Prowess on a ninja rope is definitely required... one slip onto a mine usually spells disaster.
Go 1: Ninja over to the far left using the tree stump as a second attachment point, and blowtorch into the stump, through the enemy worm. You should be able to hit him with the blowtorch 3 or 4 times, which will kill him.
Go 2: Ninja back over to the central tree. You should just about make it to the top with enough time spare to freeze yourself.
Go 3: Ninja to the bottom left of the house (you can survive the dodgy-looking drop at the top of the tree to get closer), and blowtorch into the house, killing the worm there.
Go 4: Ninja over the house, and blowtorch into the house again, hitting the worm. You may well not kill him due to the steepness of the slope, but that doesn't matter.
Go 5: (If you didn't kill the worm in the previous go, kill him now then do this go next.) Ninja back over towards the central tree. Freeze when you get close enough that you'll be able to finish it next go.
Go 6/7: Kill the last worm, using either the mine or the oil drum if you need to. You don't need to survive, which makes things much easier.
If you get the girders in the right place at the start of this one, it's not too bad, although you need to be pretty handy with grenades. Here's what to do:
Go 1: Use a girder starter pack:
Go 2: Fire a 5 second grenade at the worm on the red oil can. This is the easiest shot, as everything points down towards it.
Go 4: Use your second girder starter pack to form a curve from the top right girder down to the general. Your final grenade(s) will be bouncing along here, so bear that in mind. Use any spare girders to shield yourself, leaving only the gap you need to fire out - you shouldn't need this, but it can't hurt.
Goes 5 and 6: Kill the worm you put the vertical girder by. This may well take a couple of goes (even with the aim right) as the grenades are likely to nestle in the hollow below and to the right of him. You'll get him eventually though.
From then on: Kill the general! It may take a while to range the shots, but eventually you'll start getting grenades rolling down the girder curve you constructed.
Start off by blowtorching your way out of the left shoe, always retreating into cover between turns. If you're lucky, you may be able to blowtorch an enemy worm into the water as you make your escape.
When you're free, get that super sheep flying, and pick up the crates. The crates are (left to right, on gold attempt):
After that, it's up to you... depending on how much of the weaponry you amass, it can vary from easy to impossible. You may need to use a girder to provide a platform for you to drop onto if you emerge from the left of the boot (as opposed to the top). I find it easier to deal with the left hand side first, just 'cos it means you can attack close up then rope over to the other side. Also, if you can end your go on top of two worms, they often leave you alone.
One final key point - sudden death is a blessing in this level, as it takes away their worm select ability. Knowing this, you can plan when to move where. The water does rise, but only very slowly.
Your first priority in this mission should be to kill the assassin underneath the scientist. Use a mortar and/or uzi to get at him, then blow him away however you please. If you can't kill him by his first turn, he'll probably move. If he does, you may not be able to get at him for a while.
Use girders to patch up holes in your defences. If you've blown a hole through to water in killing the assassin, block it off quickly.
The nearest worm is easy to kill, as there are lots of mines around and often he has crates nearby which can help damage him. In fact, the crates can help kill most of the enemy.
Try to keep your worms away from the scientist, as they can draw fire away from him.
There are two methods for this one: the first is fairly foolproof, and is adapted slightly from the one Hakan Waag sent me (thanks!). The second is my way of doing it, which takes one less go but is slightly more dodgy.
First method
Go 1: (Left worm) Blowtorch left.
Go 2: (Right worm) Blowtorch down/left from the bottom of the grenade hole which you'll probably be standing in.
Go 3: (Left worm) Blowtorch left.
Go 4: (Right worm) Blowtorch down/left again.
Go 5: (Left worm) Blowtorch left again from far left of tape hole.
Go 6: (Right worm) Blowtorch down/left again.
Go 7: (Left worm) Fire the shotgun horizontally left twice from a safe distance - that should get you out of the tape.
Go 8: (Right worm) Blowtorch down/right, into the hole with the crate in - you must pick it up this turn.
Go 9: (Left worm) Place the girder you just picked up horizontally next to you (you'll need to use a short girder).
Go 10: (Right worm) Doesn't matter what you do.
Go 11: (Left worm) Collect the crate, which completes the mission.
Second method
Go 1: Blowtorch to the right and retreat.
Go 2: Stand on the oil barrel - this is very important as you must die before you'd get another turn with that worm. You can kill the worm that attacked you if you like, but if you leave it alone it will take turns from other enemy worms that might block your patch later.
Go 3: Shotgun your way out of the tape and retreat.
Go 4: Go onto the next tape, at about the same height (so that you can jump back in even if the oil barrel has been blown up by the time you come back) and blowtorch diagonally downwards towards the crate. Stand at the bottom of your tunnel.
Go 5: Blowtorch or shotgun to the crate. Make sure you'll be able to get out... and start doing so, if you can. If you have been shotgunned in your last turn and the enemy is in the way, you should use the shotgun to get through to the crate - you should be able to do this in one blast, and then blast the enemy with your other shot, walking past him while he's recovering. If you don't get the crate this go, quit - you're going to fail this time.
Go 6: Run back to the starting point, and blowtorch left.
Go 7: Blowtorch left again.
Go 8: Blowtorch left again.
Go 9: Place a girder horizontally next to you (outside the tape).
The crate will now drop.
Go 10: Blowtorch through the final bit of tape and get the crate. Congratulations - you've completed all the missions!