a.b.s-k Geek Code
Based on the Geek Code by Robert Hayden - hayden@pobox.com. Used with
The geek code consists of several categories. Each category is
labeled with a letter and some qualifiers. Go through each category
and determine which set of qualifiers best describes you in that
category. By stringing all of these 'codes' together, you are able
to construct your overall geek code. It is this single line of code
that will inform other geeks the world over of what a great geek you
actually are.
(): for indicating "cross-overs" or ranges.
eg OT+++(-) meaning, "normally I'm never on topic, but every so often
I go through an on-topic phase".
>: for 'wannabe' ratings.
eg DT->+ meaning, "Didn't like Dark Tower on my first reading,
but hope I'll get into it later."
Section I: King book ratings
For any book code below, use the following format (example given is
ST, The Stand). Of course, there's no need to mark all of them!
ST++++ : I am Randall Flagg, bow down before me.
ST+++ : Yeah, I read The Stand. Yesterday. And the day before.
ST++ : My favourite book, I've read it quite a few times.
ST+ : Good stuff indeed, better than most other King books.
ST : It's okay, I guess.
ST- : Read it once, probably never again.
ST-- : Yuk. Infinitely preferred Swan Song.
ST--- : Didn't make it past the introduction to the Uncut version
ST---- : I regularly use copies of The Stand as firelighters.
!ST : Haven't read it yet.
!ST- : Haven't read it, don't intend to.
!ST+ : Haven't read it, waiting for the paperback
!ST++++: Haven't read it, but my written-in-blood copy is in the
ST? : Who's Stephen King?
Book codes:
DS : Different Seasons
BB : The Bachman Books
TH : Thinner
FP : Four Past Midnight
NS : Night Shift
SC : Skeleton Crew
ND : Nightmares and Dreamscapes
SL : 'Salem's Lot
DZ : The Dead Zone
CJ : Cujo
DH : The Dark Half
NT : Needful Things
ST : The Stand
D1 : The Gunslinger (DT 1)
D2 : The Drawing of the Three (DT 2)
D3 : The Wastelands (DT 3)
D4 : Wizard and Glass (DT 4)
DT : Dark Tower in general
ED : Eyes of the Dragon
IN : Insomnia
CA : Carrie
CH : Christine
MI : Misery
TK : The Tommyknockers
TA : The Talisman
SH : The Shining
FI : Firestarter
CY : Cycle of the Werewolf
GG : Gerald's Game
PS : Pet Sematary
DC : Dolores Claiborne
RM : Rose Madder
DE : Desperation
RG : The Regulators
GM : The Green Mile
Um, I'm not going to do all the short stories too...
Section II: absk posting/reading habits
P: Posting
P++++ : All the articles you've ever read were posted under my
P+++ : I post absolutely every day, usually > 10 articles
P++ : I post every day I have internet access, usually several
P+ : I post pretty often. People sometimes refer to me on the
P : Sometimes I post, sometimes I don't. Depends how many
cups of coffee I've had.
P- : I tend to lurk. I'm one of those people you know you've
heard of, but can't remember what they've posted.
P-- : I said "hi" once. Never again. I just like listening and
P--- : Posting is overrated.
P---- : Silence is golden.
!P : My newsreader doesn't have posting capability.
P? : I've got my letter ready, but I can't find the address to
write to.
R: Reading
R+++++ : Someone once told me there was life outside absk. They
forgot to put the smiley on.
R++++ : I gave up reading Stephen King 'cos I don't have the time
to spare from absk.
R+++ : I read absk morning, noon, and night, every article. I
regularly annoy friends by so doing.
R++ : I read absk whenever I can. Sometimes I get a bit behind,
and sometimes I skip threads, but usually manage.
R+ : I read most of the articles, but just hit catch-up after
a long break.
R : I read absk, but I'm not bothered if I have to miss it
for a while.
R- : I only read absk if I'm really bored. It's too big to
read often.
R-- : Who wants to listen to a bunch of Losers anyway?
R--- : I received the definition of this geek code
!R : I don't have a newsreader, but I leaned over someone's
shoulder for a while to read this.
R? : News? Reading? Alt? Books? Stephen King?
OT: Off-topic-ness
(Note: this is not the same as "ot", which is
reaction to off-topic-ness - see "heated debates")
OT+++ : Topic? Isn't that a chocolate bar?
OT++ : I posted on a Stephen King thread once. It was a newbie
mistake, okay?
OT+ : I'm usually off-topic, but I'll comment if I'm particularly
interested in an on-topic thread.
OT : Who cares what the thread topic is? I'll post about
OT- : I tend to post on-topic, but I'll keep discussing a thread
even after it's gone off-topic
OT-- : Most of my posts are on-topic, but some have an off-topic
bent (eg comparisons between SK and a cat)
OT--- : I take the group description as law.
!OT : I haven't read any Stephen King, but I hope that won't
stop me from being welcome...
OT? : Which group is this?
F: Flames
F++++ : I am Dani, hear me roar.
F+++ : Spam is about to be cooked. Any posts disagreeing with me
are considered spam.
F++ : I postmaster every spam around, and consider my opinions
F+ : I quite often postmaster people, particularly if I'm
F : I let other people deal with spam, but if someone offends
me personally, I'll let them know.
F- : I'm not really bothered. Take the rough with the smooth
is my motto.
F-- : I consider myself laid-back enough to cope.
F--- : I'm so laid back, I'm horizontal. Just call me Mr.
F---- : Make $$$ Fast!
N: Netiquette
N+++ : I personally shoot anyone breaking any of the N+++ rules.
N++ : My sig is less than 4 lines long, my sig separator is perfect,
I never post in capitals, I quote properly, I wrap other people's
posts, I use spoiler warnings, I always snip irrelevant text, and
never go over 75 characters.
N+ : I don't know everything about netiquette, but I make an
effort to do what I can.
N : I'm pretty good except before my morning coffee.
N- : I don't bother with that stuff unless someone tells me
N-- : I reply in capitals to anyone telling me off.
N--- : ME TOO!
!N : My spell-checker came up with "not a cat".
DK: Dani (I couldn't think of anywhere else to put this)
DK+++++: I *am* Dani.
DK++++ : I worship Dani.
DK+++ : I've met Dani and lived to tell the tale.
DK++ : I've had mail from Dani.
DK+ : I like what I've seen of Dani.
DK : Dani's just one of the crowd.
DK- : I don't like Dani.
DK-- : Dani shouldn't be let near a keyboard.
DK--- : I am a trained Dani-killer. Wish me luck.
DK? : Who is Dani?
DK#*$&%^ : I got drunk with Dani
DK----//+ : I've met Stan and think he's a Saint
!DK : I met Dani and didn't live to tell the tale.
Section III: Reading habits
Just as with books, there is a list of authors, with an example
given below:
sk+++++: I am Stephen King.
sk++++ : I am a close personal friend (or relative) of Stephen
sk+++ : I've read everything by King, and love it all. I buy
limited editions of everything as it comes out. I've
memorised his work.
sk++ : I've read almost everything by King, and think he's
excellent. I buy first editions of everything now, but
used to only buy paperbacks. I've read most of them
several times.
sk+ : I count myself as a fan, and have read most of King's
work. I sometimes wait for the paperbacks if I haven't
read any brilliant reviews of his latest book.
sk : Yeah, I read SK. I've read a fair amount of stuff by him,
but most of it only once.
sk- : I've given King a shot, but decided I'm not too keen.
sk-- : He's a talentless hack.
sk--- : He's not only talentless, he's evil too. I burn his books
sk---- : My name is Stephen Lightfoot.
The authors:
sk : Stephen King
ps : Peter Straub
dk : Dean Koontz
ds : Dan Simmons
rc : Robert McCammon
oc : Orson Scott Card
ep : Edgar Allen Poe
ar : Anne Rice
ja : Jeffrey Archer
ac : Agatha Christie
ji : John Irving
pc : Pat Conroy
Section IV: Computing
(Skip this bit if you want to. Thought I'd put
it in 'cos I know everyone who reads/contributes to absk uses
a computer)
C: Computer Literacy
C+++++ : I'm currently running a multi-processor computer I've
built myself with my own multi-tasking C2 certified OS.
Quote me a part number and I'll draw you a circuit
diagram. I know many computer languages, including many
which I invented myself. I'm the sys-admins' sys-admin.
C++++ : I'm a computer junkie. I live, eat, and breathe computers.
I enjoy programming, games-playing, word-processing, and
socialising with my computer. Hell, sometimes I'll just
log in and out all day 'cos I enjoy typing in my user
name. I'm a sys-admin.
C+++ : I'd say I'm fairly good with computers. I can get to grips
with applications quickly, and quite enjoy programming
every so often. I like to have a life as well though. I
have a friend who's a sys-admin.
C++ : I use computers an awful lot at work, and enjoy some
socialising with them every so often. It wouldn't kill me
if you took away my email account, but I'd certainly feel
a bit left out. I know my sys-admin's email address.
C+ : I do some computing as a hobby, although sometimes I find
them tricky to use. I saw a sys-admin once.
C : I use computers when I have to, but not much beyond that.
Is "sys-admin" another term for "boss"?
C- : Computers aren't really a cup of tea. They hate me, I'm
sure. Sys-admins don't like me much, either.
C-- : I enjoy seeing how short a time it takes me to wreck a
computer. Sys-admins pay me to stay away.
C--- : Computers spread disease. Sys-admins should be put down.
C---- : Don't swear.
C? : Come and put her where?
!C : Come to Abacuses are Us, for a great deal!
I: Internet time/connection
I+++ : I have an ethernet connection, regularly downloading enough
to fill my hard disk. The internet is my social life.
I++ : I have an ISDN connection, and an ultra-fast modem. I tend
to send emails rather than letters.
I+ : I have a reasonably fast modem, and go on IRC a bit to see
my friends on #s.king.
I : The modem came with the computer. I tried IRC once, and
didn't like it much.
I- : My modem is extremely slow, but that's okay 'cos I don't
use it.
I-- : I have to tap messages in morse code. Think how long this
code took me to send. Be grateful.
I--- : I get my canary to whistle down the phone. The error rate
is rather high. Don't expect any more from me.
I? : Honey? There's a canary whistling down the phone at me...
!I : The Internet? Not I...
Section V: Heated Debates
I'm slightly loathe to put this in, just in case it causes more
flame wars, but here goes anyway. *Please* remember this is just
for fun.
sh: The Shining mini-series
sh+++++: I was in it.
sh++++ : The tape is about to finish rewinding, I don't have time to
answer your -
sh+++ : Damned good stuff. Beat the crap out of Kubrick's version
sh++ : Excellent for a TV series
sh+ : Pretty good, I'm glad King did it.
sh : Not bad, I like it about as much as the film
sh- : Hmmm. I think I'll stick to the film.
sh-- : Why doesn't King stick to writing books? He's good at that.
sh--- : King should stick to writing books, even though he's no
good at it.
sh---- : Where the hell was the maze?
sh-----: My name is Kubrick, watch me symbolise.
GO: Gun ownership
GO+++++: I use my gun every day, just to keep it clean.
GO++++ : Guns are a fairly substantial part of my life, and I don't
want anyone taking them away from me.
GO+++ : Gun ownership is constitutional, and I'll defend it to my
GO++ : I own a gun purely for defence, and think I should be
allowed to.
GO+ : I don't like the idea of the government being allowed to
have weapons when I can't.
GO : I'm not really bothered, to be honest. I just wish there
wasn't so much fuss about it.
GO- : I don't see why people should have guns. I don't want
one, why should anyone else?
GO-- : Guns are inherently dangerous, and should be removed from
GO-----: All gun owners should be shot.
VI: "Value of an Individual" debate
(Note the ----- doesn't mean I think Eileene doesn't value
individuals, it's just that was what the thread got called, 'kay?)
Um, just to make things easier, let's just make it sided:
VI+++++: I'm Stevie.
VI-----: I'm Eileene.
RE: Organised Religion
OR+++++: I am the supreme being.
OR++ : I'm a very firm believer, and my feathers tend to get
ruffled when people mock my beliefs.
OR+ : I'm part of an organised religion, but can see why other
people don't understand what I get out of it.
OR : I'm not part of an organised religion, but I'm not
against them either.
OR- : I think they're a bad thing in general, but so long as they
don't affect me directly, I don't mind.
OR-- : The very idea of organised religions brings me out in a
cold sweat.
OR--- : Save energy, burn a church today!
OR-----: You thought Flagg was fiction?
ot: Off-topic suitability:
ot+++++: Who wants to hear about Stephen King anyway?
ot+++ : Off-topic posts are my favourite ones.
ot++ : Off-topic posts form a major part of absk's attraction.
ot+ : I quite like off-topic posts, let's keep 'em going.
ot : I read what I read, I don't mind.
ot- : It'd be nice to have some more on-topic stuff.
ot-- : I really come here for on-topic posts.
ot--- : Get the off-topic garbage off here.
ot-----: You posted off topic? Feel my wrath.
Back to the absk page.
Back to the Stephen King page.