What is this need, this yearning inside

Tune: Fulda ("Come, sinners, to the gospel feast")

This was written for the 11 o'clock service at Kentwood Methodist Church on March 7th 2010. It came after two readings: Psalm 63:1-8 and Isaiah 55:1-9, which both talk of yearning for God - the one who ultimately satisfies us in a way that nothing else can.

1. What is this need, this yearning inside,
This ache which stays unsatisfied?
Beneath our greed, our base desire,
Our souls still aim for something higher.

2. Riches will never quiet the drum
Beating the invitation: "Come!"
We crave the comfort of our Lord,
The bond of man and heaven restored.

3. Christ is the Lamb who makes us whole,
Christ whose perfection stirs our soul.
The true example for us all,
We feel his everlasting call.

4. So let us walk the path of God,
Following where our saviour trod,
Our footsteps lead us to the cross,
We live from death, we gain through loss

5. What then? What joys in heaven are stored?
What is our undeserved reward?
To live with Christ, with God above;
Complete at last, filled by God's love.

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