Adikted Download
- Current version: .43beta
- Files supported: apt, clm, dat, own, slb, tng, wib
This may be pretty near to the final release. Certainly it's in a
usable state, so all that remains is to add a few features if and
when they are wanted.
Features in .43beta
- Fixed bug with flagposts
- Added "thing clipboard" - copy and paste things
Features in .42beta
- Quit changed to ctrl+q to avoid accidents
- "Load map" feature on ctrl+l
- "New map" feature on ctrl+n
- Fixed map.hlp to show how to create a portal
- Download the zip file.
- Extract it, preferrably with directory structure (this'll create
a directory called adikted)
- Edit map.ini to give the location of the levels.
- Read readme.txt for extra instructions
- You may wish to go into 50 line mode if you're in DOS. A lot of
graphics cards come with a program to change the screen mode.
- If you haven't already read the
tutorial, now would be a good
time to do so - it may be best to print it out, too.
- Start the editor either by just "map" (start a new level), "map
<number>" (load the DK level specified), "map
<filename>" (load level files beginning with the filename, eg
"map newmap" to go back to a level you've just saved.
Note that the source code is also
available. You'll need the S-Lang libraries to build it though.
Please send any comments to
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