Adikted Design Goals
- Portability: Adikted is designed to be portable across DOS,
Win32 and Linux. I use the
S-Lang libraries for screen handling, and hope to have some mouse
functionality later on.
- Ease of use: Hopefully, Adikted will be very easy to use, with
little technical knowledge required. There are several files used by
Dungeon Keeper, but the user doesn't need to know about what each
one does.
- Detail: Although Adikted can automatically fill in
most files, eventually an expert mode will be incorporated, to allow
tweaking of dungeons ad infinitum. The editor will remember which
squares have been altered deliberately, and not touch them when
filling in the files.
- Verification: There are some rules governing what makes a
dungeon valid - each keeper should only have one dungeon heart, for
instance. As far as possible, Adikted should check that any
dungeon it saves will be playable. By fiddling with graphical
details, dungeons can be deliberately constructed to confuse the
game, and I believe this to be unavoidable. My intention is to stop
anyone from accidentally "breaking" a dungeon.
- Documentation: As well as usage documents, I intend to
provide full technical documentation, both for the editor itself and
the Dungeon Keeper level files. These web pages will provide the
basis for the documentation.
Please send any comments to
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