Miscellaneous Utility Library

Every so often, someone on the newsgroup asks about something which doesn't exist in the framework, but which I think should. Sometimes, I'll write some code for them to plug the gap. Just occasionally, I'll tidy up the code, add XML documentation comments etc, and include it in my miscellaneous utility library. This library will, of course, grow over time.

Due to the nature of the library, some of the code may not have been particularly rigorously tested. You are strongly advised to give it a thorough testing before including it in any important code. Note: as of November 2006, I'm gradually adding unit tests, so the quality should improve significantly.

Language/framework compatibility and build notes

As of February 2008, MiscUtil is built with Visual Studio 2008 and uses features of C# 3. However, with a bit of jiggery pokery we have it building in two configurations: one targeting .NET 2.0, and one targeting .NET 3.5. Not all of MiscUtil works with .NET 2.0. Some of it can't, because it requires significant features such as expression trees. Other parts work with a few pieces of .NET 3.5 imported. In particular, in the .NET 2.0 build of MiscUtil we've included the Func and Action delegates, ExtensionAttribute for extension methods, and the IGrouping/ILookup interfaces. This achieves source level compatibility with .NET 3.5, so if you upgrade from .NET 2.0 to .NET 3.5 you should be able to replace the MiscUtil assembly with the .NET 3.5 version, recompile and everything should still work. You could possibly get away with still using the .NET 2.0 version, but I'd recommend against it - you'll have system types with the same name defined in two different places, which is never a good place to be.

Each release comes with 5 files: a source zip file, a .NET 2.0 assembly, a .NET 3.5 assembly, a .NET 2.0 zip file (assembly, XML, licence, readme) and the same for .NET 3.5.

MiscUtil is now version stamped with the Subversion revision which built it. This is in the AssemblyFileVersion attribute rather than the AssemblyVersion attribute - the latter will stay at for the foreseeable future. All released versions will now remain available, rather than only the latest one.

MiscUtil is now strongly named. The key is shipped with the source so you can easily rebuild it and keep the strong naming - this is for purposes of ease-of-use with other strongly named assemblies instead of non-repudiation. If anyone ever wants a version which I've signed with a properly secured key, I'm happy to do that - but I think the approach I've taken is the most pragmatic one for the moment.


r285, February 26th 2009

.NET 2.0 assembly
.NET 3.5 assembly
.NET 2.0 assembly + XML + readme + licence
.NET 3.5 assembly + XML + readme + licence


r279, February 24th 2009

.NET 2.0 assembly
.NET 3.5 assembly
.NET 2.0 assembly + XML + readme + licence
.NET 3.5 assembly + XML + readme + licence


r271, November 23rd 2008

.NET 2.0 assembly
.NET 3.5 assembly
.NET 2.0 assembly + XML + readme + licence
.NET 3.5 assembly + XML + readme + licence


r259, April 23rd 2008

.NET 2.0 assembly
.NET 3.5 assembly
.NET 2.0 assembly + XML + readme + licence
.NET 3.5 assembly + XML + readme + licence


r232, February 10th 2008

.NET 2.0 assembly
.NET 3.5 assembly
.NET 2.0 assembly + XML + readme + licence
.NET 3.5 assembly + XML + readme + licence


Remainder of this page is old...

I'm still transitioning the previous history etc. Hopefully I'll get round to documenting more of the library too. Just bear in mind that I won't be updating the contents of the page below here...


The library currently contains the following items:

Downloads (old! see above!)


.NET 1.1 version

As of November 2006, I am no longer easily able to provide a .NET 1.1 version of the miscellaneous utility library. I'm converting the source to use .NET 2.0 features where appropriate, and no future development will continue on the .NET 1.1 code. I can apply bug fixes if requested, but I expect most people are now using .NET 2.0 anyway. Please mail me if you need to continue using the utility in a critical manner and need fixes.


This software is licensed under the Apache licence. The specific licence for this library is available here and is also included in the zipped up versions of the library. Essentially, you're free to use any part of it in commercial software, provided you include a little acknowledgement. It may also, of course, be used in open source projects with a compatible licence.


These are the items I want to get round to at some stage. Please mail me if you think there's something else I should cover.

Back to the main page.